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Turning Ideas Into Stunning
Mobile and Web Apps

Hello, I'm Sorraimi, a Front-End developer with 2 years of professional experience. I enjoy building apps that are easy to use and intuitive to navigate. Let's collaborate and turn your vision into reality.

About Me

Hey there! My name is Sorraimi Rivas and I hail from the beautiful Dominican Republic. My journey into the tech world has been quite the adventure. I started my career in the customer service field and even dabbled in workforce management. However, I decided to chase my true passion and become a software developer.

I'm entirely self-taught and have honed my skills through platforms like FreeCodeCamp , Udemy, and the vast sea of knowledge on YouTube. What keeps me hooked on programming is my love for problem-solving and puzzles. There's something incredibly satisfying about cracking those code conundrums.

Speaking of code, I'm well-versed in some cool technologies. React Native, React, Expo, TypeScript, and Tailwind are my go-to tools for crafting awesome apps. But I don't stop there. I'm also familiar with GraphQL, MongoDB, Node.js, Express, and I've dipped my toes into SwiftUI for iOS development.

When I'm not deep into coding, you'll find me in a different kind of digital realm—video games. I enjoy getting lost in virtual adventures. Reading is another passion of mine, and I can't resist tuning in to Esports for some thrilling matches. Oh, and I'm working on my guitar skills, hoping to strum out some tunes soon.

In the future, I want work for at least one of these comapanies:

Vercel logVercel
Expo logExpo
Blizzard Ent. logBlizzard Ent.
Epic Games logEpic Games

That's a bit about me, a developer with a zest for problem-solving, a love for technology, and a taste for adventure both in code and in real life.



My Experience

Contact Me

Please contact me directly to my email at or fill out the form below.
